Behind the Scenes of ecoAble Cloth Diapers Production

Behind the Scenes of ecoAble Cloth Diapers Production

Jan 2nd 2015

Cloth Diapers Production

Here at ecoAble we wanted to give you an inside look of our cloth diapers production. This way, you know where your cloth diapers are coming from, how and where they are made, and the working environments in which they are produced.

Cloth Diapers Snaps

All ecoAble cloth diapers are manufactured ethically in China. Our production team is treated fairly and has rest during the holidays. Production administration has also given gifts for working over the holidays. Production team has same working hours as administration team.

How Cloth Diapers are Made

Our manufacturer follows safe working environment guidelines and provides competitive salary. If workers need to get out production quickly and work extra hours, they earn 3x the salary in return for their hard work.

Cloth Diapers Cutting Machine

The ecoAble cloth diapers are tested and certified in compliance with the US CPSIA (Consumer Product Safety Information Act) rules and regulations.

Comment below if you'd like to know more about ecoAble Cloth Diapers.

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