
Making Cloth Diapers Last Longer

Mar 21st 2015

Making Cloth Diapers Last Longer

More and more families are choosing to use cloth diapers vs. disposable diapers. There are many reasons that people are going with this option. Some are looking to save money, while others want to focus on natural ways to raise their baby.

Whatever the reason behind using disposable diapers, you want to be sure that you are properly laundering the cloth. With proper washing and drying methods, you can make your cloth diapers last longer.

Where to Store Dirty Cloth Diapers Before Washing

Unless you want to do your cloth diapers each and every day, you will need a place to store dirty diapers before washing.

Dirty diapers can be stored in a bucket with a pail liner or in the large wet bag. It is best to wash the diapers every 2-3 days.

How to Wash Cloth Diapers

It is important that you use a mild detergent when washing the cloth. Harsh cleaners will break down laminate material and elastic. If you have rinsed your diapers ahead of time, then they should come out clean.

It is recommended that you do not use bleach on cloth diapers. To keep the diapers from breaking down faster, it is best to forgo the bleach.

Also, you should not use fabric softeners. This keeps the diaper from being as absorbent.

How to Dry Cloth Diapers

Cloth diapers should be hung to dry to prolong the life of the diapers. You can hang the diapers on an outside line. Sunshine will help to reduce staining.

If you do not have an outside laundry line, then hang the diapers over plastic hangers. Avoid metal hangers, because it will cause the hanger to rust and deposit rust on the cloth. You can hang the diapers on a shower rod in your bathroom.

You can dry modern cloth diapers in the dryer on low-medium heat. Avoid very hot temperatures. Extreme heat will cause laminated material to melt or crack.

Cloth diapers have come a long way and are much more easy to use than once before. It is a great option for people that want to save money and go natural. 

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