
How to Strip Cloth Diapers

With proper wash routine and good detergent you may not have to strip cloth diapers at all. On some occasions you should strip cloth diapers:

  • When your cloth diapers are repelling
  • Cloth diapers have been washed with incompatible detergent
  • Cloth diapers have been washed in untreated hard water for prolonged time
  • You bought your cloth diapers used (we recommend to sanitize used cloth diapers first and if there are no issues, you can skip stripping process)

It’s a good idea to sanitize cloth diapers after stripping. You can find instructions here: How to Sanitize Cloth Diapers without Bleach

Instructions How to Strip Cloth Diapers

STEP 1: Start with clean diapers (straight out of the washer is fine)

STEP 2: Fill bathtub, large container or top-loading washing machine ½ full with hot water

STEP 3: Dissolve stripping solution in the water (see suggestions below)

STEP 4: Soak all items for at least 4-6 hours, but no more than 8 hours; stir occasionally for better results

STEP 5: Drain water, squeeze excess water from all items and complete with water only wash cycle in the washing machine

Cloth Diaper Stripping Solutions

RLR Laundry Treatment – use 1 packet per stripping session (also sold on Amazon)

RLR Laundry Treatment


DIY Stripping Solution

For 1 stripping session you would need:

3 Tablespoons – Washing Soda
3 Tablespoons – Borax
3 Tablespoons – Calgon


These ingredients can be found in Walmart laundry aisle. If you are unable to get all 3 ingredients, you can mix ¼ cup of any two ingredients from the list, or ½ cup of a single ingredient from the DIY recipe. It is recommended to use all 3 ingredients for best results.

All ingredients from the DIY recipe can be used as laundry boosters later on.